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Agricultural and fishing activity

Questionnaire Text

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[Question 7 through 11, section F and G were asked those in private occupied dwellings]

Section G: Agriculture and Fishing Activity

1. Does any member of this household practice agricultural activity on their own initiative?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
G1. Does any member of this household practice any agricultural activity on their own initiative?

Read the question and write down the answer. This question refers to agricultural activities performed by the members of the household, either on their own initiative or on the family's machamba.

Those members of the household who perform agricultural activities as an occupation, for instance, on a company's machamba or in someone's property should not be included within this category.

The Enumerator should explain what is intended with this Question, i.e., it refers to agricultural and fishing activities performed by the members of the household on their own initiative or on the family's machamba. If one or more member of the household performs agricultural activities, mark an X in box number 1. Otherwise, mark an X in box number 2.