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Length of residence or stay in years

Questionnaire Text

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P14) Length of residence/stay
For how many years has [Name] continuously lived here?

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Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image Duration of residence (Column P14)
This question is intended for residents of the household (PR and AR). The length of residence is the period since the respondent first resided at the place of enumeration. It is expressed in completed years. Ask the following question: "For how many years has [NAME] regularly lived here?."

a. For individuals born in the circle of the census and have never made a trip to another circle or abroad for a period of more than six (6) months, the agent reports the age of the column P9 in column P14. This involves people who answered "No" to question P13.
b. For individuals who have already spent at least six (6) months outside the circle, the length of residence is the time in years passed since the last entry into the circle of the census. This involves people who answered "Yes" to question P13.

[Omitted example]

[pg. 26]

Instructions: For a person who has resided for more than 6 months in another village of the same circle where he is surveyed, the agent should not consider the previous village as a place of previous residence. The previous place of residence is outside of the circle in which the person is surveyed.

We must remember that all lengths of residence should be recorded in completed years.

The agent must put "00" for individuals whose length of residence in the circle is less than one year.