Total income received from other sources of income in July, 2010
This is a 6-digit numeric variable.
This variable indicates the value in Brazilian Reais of the total income received from other sources of income in July, 2010.
- Brazil 2010: Persons age 10+
- Brazil: 2010
Questionnaire Text
6. Resident characteristics
If the person has answered "yes" to at least one of the questions 6.56 to 6.59, go to 6.591. Otherwise, see commands below.
6.591 In July 2010, what was the total amount of your income?
R $____.00
6.12 - What was the monthly gross income, that you usually earned in July 2010?
For the person who has not yet received his/her income for the month of July 2010, record the value that he/she is going to receive.
Depending on the situation, record:
1 - In cash, products or goods: The sum monthly gross income from: job, retirement, pension, rental, scholarships, unemployment, Family Scholarship Program, PETI, BPC, other welfare programs, savings interests, financial investments, etc.
[page 278]
2 - Only benefits: A person whose only income in the month of July 2010 was in-kind (housing, food, clothing, training, etc.) from work.
0 - No income: A person who did not have any income or benefit on the month of July 2010.
0 - No income: A person who did not have any income or benefit on the month of July 2010.
Integrated variables
- None