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Has disability

Questionnaire Text

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20. Do you have any physical or mental disability?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (Go to question 22)

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Question 20. Do you have any physical or mental handicap (disability)?

Attention! To categorize someone as handicapped, care must be taken to conform to the definition of disability provided below.

Handicapped (disabled):
Resulting from any illness or accident originating at birth or thereafter,

Being unable to adapt to the normal requirements of living, due to some degree of physical, mental, psychological, emotional and social loss of capacity,

An individual requiring training, protection, care, rehabilitation, counseling and support services.

While those handicapped (disabled) temporarily on a short-term basis due to a broken leg or some other such disorder are not to be covered by this question, those handicapped (disabled) for more than six months are to be considered.

In this question, an "X" is to be entered into the "Has" box for those with a physical or mental handicap, and into the "None" box for those without such a handicap. If the answer is "Has", one is to continue from question 21, whereas if the answer is "None", one should skip over to question 22.