Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | No | 159,664 |
2 | Yes | 164,375 |
8 | Unknown | 6 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 530 |
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This variable records whether the household uses the public sewers as a toilet facility.
- Morocco 2004: Non-tent households
- Morocco: 2004
Questionnaire Text
Housing characteristics (living conditions of the household)
Equipment of the housing unit (mode of utilization of housing amenities)
L9. Waste water disposal
[] 1 Public sewage
[] 2 Septic tank
[] 3 Pit / cesspool
[] 4 Other cases, specify ______
[] 2 Septic tank
[] 3 Pit / cesspool
[] 4 Other cases, specify ______
Equipment of the housing unit (mode of utilization of housing amenities)
Either private, shared or not available
L9. Waste water disposal
(Multiple answers are possible)
1. Public sewage
2. Septic tank: emptied when necessary
3. Pit/cesspool: not emptied, just left after being full.
4. Other cases, specify: such as open waste water ___
1. Public sewage
2. Septic tank: emptied when necessary
3. Pit/cesspool: not emptied, just left after being full.
4. Other cases, specify: such as open waste water ___