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Highest grade attended

Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
VII. B. Persons age 5 or older
[Questions 1-6 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

Q.4 Highest level/class ever or being attended

[] 1 Class 1
[] 2 Class 2
[] 3 Class 3
[] 4 Class 4
[] 5 Class 5
[] 6 Class 6
[] 7 Class 7
[] 8 Completed

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

X. Information on household members

A. Block VII: General information on household members
1. The objective of this block is to record information on items such as sex, age, schooling status, and activities conducted during the past week for every household member, starting with the member with serial number "01" and continuing to the last household member.

2. Method of filling out the form
Circle one of the codes corresponding to the respondent's answer, and then write the code in the box on the right.

C. Block VII.B: Persons age 5 or older

Question 4: Highest grade/class ever attended/currently attended
If the respondent has completed the highest class of the highest educational level ever attended circle code "8".

a. Those who completed primary, junior high school or high school, circle code "8".

[pg. 56]

b. Those who completed a bachelor's degree and are now studying in a master degree program, circle code "6".
c. Those who completed a bachelor's degree and are now studying in a doctoral program (Ph.D.), circle code "7".
d. Those who are currently obtaining a diploma I program, circle code "1". If the person has completed the program, circle code "8".
e. Those who are currently obtaining a diploma II program, circle code "2". If the person has completed the program, circle code "8".

For the person who is currently attending a program at a university that uses the credit system (semester credit unit), information about grade/class attended can be obtained by asking the additional question as follows: "How many credits have you obtained up to the present time?"
As a guide, use the following:

  • Level I: up to 30 credits; Level II: up to 60 credits; Level III: up to 90 credits; Level IV: up to 120 credits; Level V: up to 150 credits

If the respondent has 57 credits, then he/she is currently in class/level II.