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Total hours worked in the previous week

Questionnaire Text

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[Questions 13-24 are for persons age 10 or older]

23. How many total hours did you work in the week prior to the beginning of the census, or in your last job? /_/_/

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 13-24 are for persons age 10 or older. If the person is younger than 10, end the interview and cross out the corresponding page]

Question 23: How many total hours did you work in the week prior to the beginning of the census, or in your last job?

Include overtime in the total number of hours worked. If the person interviewed has more than one job add up the hours spent at each job. Write the number of hours worked for those persons who are not paid in the same way.

If the person interviewed has a job but did not work during the reference week, write the number of hours that he/she normally works during the week. If a person works eight hours per day in a public institution and two hours teaching class Monday through Friday in a high school or university, meaning he/she works ten hours per day, then the total per week is 50 hours.