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Gender of first death in household

Questionnaire Text

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F. Deaths in the household
Occurrence of death

[Questions 26-31 were asked of households that had at least one death during the last 12 months, as per question 25.]

26. Was the deceased a male or a female?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

27. How old was that person at the time of death?

Write age in completed years.
If younger than 1 year, write "00"
More older than 97 years, write "97"
_ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

F. Questions concerning deaths in households: People who died within the past 12 months.
Questions concerning deaths that occurred within the past 12 months should be asked to and answered by the head of the household or any other person who will answer questions on his/her behalf. Here, the past 12 months refer to the period starting on the night between August 25th and 26th, 2001 and the night before the Census day, that is: between August 24th and 25th, 2002. If the death occurred after the night before Census day, then it should not be counted.
Remember: Most people do not like talking about their dead relatives, therefore be very careful when asking this question.

Question 27: Is the deceased male or female?
If the answer to question 25 is "Yes" (code is "1"), it means that in the household there is someone who died within the past 12 months. In this question, the aim is to find out the sex of the deceased person. Therefore for each person who died, you have to know if the person was male or female. For example, if the deceased was female, shade the code "2".
The codes that are used for this question are:

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female