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5. Roof material
[] Corrugated iron or tiles
[] Concrete
[] Adobe
[] Straw
[] Other type

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5. Roof Material

Here also you describe the roof of the building being documented. The possible choices are: Sheet metal or tile, concrete, adobe, thatch, other. The terms concrete and adobe are defined above. As for sheet metal or tile, only put housing of acceptable quality in this category. Makeshift housing made partially or completely of sheet metal should be put in the "other" category.
- Thatch: A thatched roof is made of straw, bamboo, palm leaves or leaves of other plant material. It is generally used to cover most of the traditional round huts.
- Other: A roof in this category has none of the characteristics of sheet metal or tile, concrete, adobe or thatch.

Example 1: The building being described is a multi-storey building with a concrete roof. You write:
Question 5 - Roof Material:
[] Sheet metal or Tile
[x] Concrete
[] Adobe
[] Thatch
[] Other

Example 2: The building is made of adobe and the roof is made of wood covered with adobe.
Question 5 - Roof Material:
[] Sheet metal or Tile
[] Concrete
[] Adobe
[] Thatch
[x] Other

The question also pertains to institutional households.