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Length of stay in this municipality

Questionnaire Text

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Section IV. Information about the person

9. How long have you lived in this municipality since you moved from the previous municipality or country?

[Question 9 was asked of persons who had not always lived in the present municipality, per question 8.]

Years _____
[] 00 Less than one year
[] 99 Does not know

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 9. How long have you lived in this municipality since you moved here from the previous municipality or country?

With this question, we will know the time that has passed since the last residency change for the person.

9. How long have you lived in this municipality since you moved here from the previous municipality or country?
Years [ _ _ ]
[] 00 Less than one year
[] 99 Does not know

We will ask: How long have you lived in this municipality since you moved from the previous municipality or country?

We will not the number that the interviewee declares. In the case that the time is one year or more, numbers will be written in the spaces next to the alternative for years. If the time lived here is less than one year, you will mark the box 'less than one year' and if he/she does not know how long ago he/she moved, mark box 99 (Does not know).