Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | Piped inside the dwelling | 37,461 |
2 | Piped outside the dwelling but within the building, lot, or property | 33,900 |
3 | Piped outside the lot or property | 11,875 |
4 | Does not receive piped water | 61,367 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 33,323 |
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This variable indicates how the household receives its water supply for drinking and cooking.
- Bolivia 1992: Private, occupied dwellings
- Bolivia: 1992
Questionnaire Text
6. Water supply system for drinking and cooking
[Question 6 was asked of persons in occupied private dwellings, per Questions 1 and 2.]
[] 1 Piped inside the dwelling
[] 2 Piped outside the dwelling but within the building, lot, or property
[] 3 Piped outside the lot or property
[] 4 Does not receive piped water
[] 1 Piped inside the dwelling
[] 2 Piped outside the dwelling but within the building, lot, or property
[] 3 Piped outside the lot or property
[] 4 Does not receive piped water
Question 6. Water supply system for drinking and cooking
1. Through pipes within the dwelling. When the water service is available within the dwelling by means of piping.
[p. 27]
2. Through pipes outside of the dwelling but within the building, lot, or grounds. When the water service facilities are located outside the dwelling, ,but within the limits of the lot or grounds where the dwelling is.
3. Through pipes outside of the lot or grounds. If the household provides itself with water from facilities watering place for farm animals, public fountains located in streets, paths, plazas, or other buildings.
4. Doesn't receive piped water. When the household doesn't have this service.