Code | Label |
0 | Does not speak yet or none | 46,336 |
1 | Spanish | 151,307 |
2 | Aymara | 31,277 |
3 | Quechua | 57,114 |
4 | Other | 729 |
5 | Spanish-Aymara | 67,942 |
6 | Spanish-Quechua | 86,636 |
7 | Spanish-Other | 4,964 |
8 | Aymara-Quechua | 5,259 |
9 | Spanish-Aymara-Quechua | 10,135 |
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This variable indicates the respondent's native language spoken.
Supported by: National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, Stat/Transfer, and University of Minnesota.
Copyright © Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota.