VE81A429 is a 5-digit numeric variable.
99998 = Unknown.
99999 = NIU.
This variable indicates the total income in Bs.
- Venezuela 1981: Persons age 12+ who had a job at the time of the census, or during the year prior, or worked the previous week
- Venezuela: 1981
Questionnaire Text
(Only for people 12 years of age and older.)
29. How much did you earn total by way of salaries, wages, commissions, tips, or bonuses, during the last month (or during the last month that you worked)?
____ Bs/Week (if paid weekly)
____ Bs/Day (if paid daily)
-- How much [money] did the person make in salary or wages, commissions, tips, or bonuses during the last month (or in the last month worked)?
This question refers to income, either monthly, weekly, or daily, that the person received in the month of September (or in the month last worked), including salary or wages, commissions, tips, or bonuses in all of the employments.
Fill in the corresponding oval according to the answer given.
Important: If the person only is paid in-kind and/or services, write down "E.S." in the space provided for "paid bi-weekly or monthly".