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Location of bathroom

Questionnaire Text

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9. Bathroom (bath tub and/or shower)
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling
[] 3 None

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Bathroom (bath tub and/or shower) -- (item 9).

30. The bathroom is a space,situated indoor or outdoor the dwelling, designated to assure the body's hygiene, having special bathing facilities to this purpose as: bath tub, with or without shower, or only shower and sink.

Will be considered as bathroom:

-- the room having special bathing facilities (showers, sinks) even if this space is used, mainly for other purposes (laundry);
-- the room designated for this purpose, having water supply facility and sewerage, but not yet fixed the bathing facilities (bath tub, shower and sink) and it is not used for other purposes;
-- the room within the dwelling, where the traditional means are used for body's washing, characteristic to a certain zone (steam bath), and not used for other purpose (kitchen, laundry, etc.);
[p. 26]

Will not be considered as bath room: the room having only the sink, and used, mainly, for other purposes (bedroom, kitchen, laundry, etc.).

The way of recording:

-- the entry x will be marked on the box for code 1when the bathroom is within the dwelling;
-- the entry x will be marked in the box for code 2 when the bathroom is outdoor;
-- the entry x will be marked in the box for code 3 when the household states that no space designated for bathroom is available.

When a dwelling has several bathrooms, only one of them will be recorded.

Correlations -- when (item 9) the code entry is 1 (bathroom within the dwelling), it is necessary that:

-- to the item 11 (the water supply system) -- to be marked by x in the box code 1 (within the unit from the public network source), or code box 2 (within the unit from own system resource);
-- to the item 13 (sewerage facilities within housing unit) the mark of x will be written for code box 1 public community sewage system) or 2 (own system installation).