Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
1 | 1 to 4 | 1,136 |
2 | 5 to 14 | 7,421 |
3 | 15 to 29 | 11,209 |
4 | 30 to 34 | 7,845 |
5 | 35 to 39 | 42,563 |
6 | 40 to 44 | 117,708 |
7 | 45 + | 57,076 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 272,068 |
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This variable indicates the respondent's usual number of hours worked per week.
- Portugal 2001: Persons who work or experienced unemployed
- Portugal: 2001
Questionnaire Text
[Questions 10-24 were asked of persons born before December 31, 1999, who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 9]
[Questions 17 to 23 were asked of persons age 15+ who ever attended school at a level higher then pre-primary, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 13]
23. Please answer the questions 23.1 to 23.6 if you are employed or looking for a new job. If it is not the case, go to 24.
[Questions 23.1-23.6 were asked of persons age 15+ who are employed or looking for a new job, ever attended school at a level higher then pre-primary, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3, 13, and 19]
23.3. Indicate the usual number of hours you work each week in the occupation you stated in question 23.1:
[] 2 5-14
[] 3 15-29
[] 4 30-34
[] 5 35-39
[] 6 40-44
[] 7 45 or more
Question 23.3 - Indicate the usual number of hours you work each week in the occupation you stated in Question 23.1:
If you were unemployed during the reference week, indicate the number of hours you worked in the last job you had.
Will be counted the weekly hours that usually work, but we also must include the extra time hours worked if they have a regular character. Also include the time spent on the place of work preparing tools and the work space.
If the individual was unemployed on the reference week indicate the number of hours that worked on the last job he had.