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P15. How does [respondent] classify himself/herself? Is he/she an Ibaloi, Kankanaey, Mangyan, Manobo, Chinese, Ilocano or what?
(Please see code book)
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P15 Ethnicity

Ethnicity is a primary sense of belonging to an ethnolinguistic group; it is consanguineal in nature, meaning, the ties are reckoned by blood and traced through the family tree. Thus, the item refers to the members of the household's identity of self-ascription, as one belonging to a group, by blood.

Ethno-linguistic grouping denotes genealogical and paternal lineage to any of the Philippine group of native population. This group has continuously lived as organized community on communally bounded and defined territory, and who have, under claims of ownership since time immemorial, occupied, possessed and utilized such territories, sharing common bonds of language, customs, traditions and other distinctive cultural traits (and) shall likewise include peoples who are regarded as indigenous on account of their descent ". This also includes those who have been displaced or from their traditional domains or who may have resettled outside their domains.

Cases of mixed ancestry, that is, parents belonging to different ethnic groups may occur. The family being bilateral just like any Filipino family, respondents have a choice whether or not to indicate the paternal or maternal branch as the reference point of their ethnic classification. The children of mixed marriages may follow the ethnic affiliation of a parent with whom he/she has more association. However, for children who do not talk vet at the time of census, their ethnicity would be that of the mother.

Ask the respondent the question in P15: "How does ________'s classify himself/herself?
Is he/she an Ibaloi, Kankanaey, Mangyan, Manobo, Chinese, llocano or what?" for all members of the household. The ethnicity and their corresponding codes for this item are listed in the Code Book. If it is not among the pre-coded answers, write the ethnicity on the space provided but not touching the code boxes.

Note: Items P22 and P23 are to be accomplished only for household members who are at least five years old. If a household member is younger than five years of age, leave columns P22 and P23 blank.