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Level of education

Codes and Frequencies


02University degree46,547
03Technical education college degree10,259
04Higher education school degree5,517
05Attends University, Technical education college or Higher education school20,584
06Secondary education certificate or 6-grade gymnasium or comprehensive school146,041
07Technical school certificate7,126
08Technical college certificate15,111
09Lower secondary school certificate89,642
10Has left gymnasium25,602
11Primary school certificate313,132
12Has left primary school, but knows how to read and write92,036
13Has left primary school and does not know how to read and write22,381
14Did not attend primary school and does not know how to read and write35,718
19Master's abroad1,717
29University degree abroad 4,344
39Technical education college degree abroad487
99NIU (not in universe)113,803