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Class of worker

Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

P13 Type of activity: For P13 to P17; answer only for ages 7 years or older. The answer should refer to the 7 days before census night:

[P14-P17 were asked of persons who did not work for pay or profit or family gain and P13b=1 or 2.]

P16 Employment status: What was (name's) employment status in that establishment/industry?

[] 1 Employee
[] 2 Self employed without employees
[] 3 Self employed with employees
[] 4 Unpaid family worker
[] 5 Apprentice
[] 6 Domestic employee (house help)
[] 7 Other

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P13 Type of activity: questions are to be asked of only persons aged 7 years or older; and refer to the seven days before census night

P16 Employment status: What was (name's) employment status in that establishment/ industry?

Seven boxes have been provided for this question and where the answer corresponds to one of these you must write the code and mark the appropriate box. Note that you must mark only one box for each respondent.

a. Employee- Mark this box for a person who works for a public or private employer and is paid by this employer.

b. Self-employed without employees- Mark this box for a person who operates his/her own enterprise (e.g., a farmer, kenkey seller, carpenter) and who does not employ anybody to work for him/her in the operation of his/her enterprise (except perhaps apprentices or members of his/her family). Note that apprentices must not be classified as employees. You must, however, make sure that the assistants of such a person are apprentices and not paid employees before classifying the respondent in this group.

c. Self-employed with employees- Mark this box for a person who operates his/her own enterprise directly or through another person (e.g. a manager or caretaker) and who for the operation of this enterprise hires one or more employees. Note that the persons considered employees here exclude unpaid family workers and apprentices, whether they are given an allowance or not.

d. Unpaid family worker-- Mark this box for a person who helps in running an economic enterprise operated by a member of his or her family without payment of wages or salary.

e. Apprentice- Refers to a worker who is learning a trade and who normally works under the supervision of a qualified worker. He/she may or may not be given an allowance.

f. Domestic employee (househelp)-- These are persons who are engaged to render household service with or without pay.

Other - To this category belong all persons who do not fall into any of the above groups