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Number of rooms used only as kitchens

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6. Number and use of rooms

_ _ Total rooms

_ _ Exclusively for sleeping
_ _ Living-dining
_ _ Exclusively kitchen
_ _ Kitchen-dining
_ _ Other uses

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Question 6: Number and Use of Rooms

(See Illustration on Page 22)

Every dwelling has one or many rooms whose inhabitants use for different purposes: sleeping, cooking food, eating, relaxing, or receiving visitors, watching television, listening to the radio, etc. Of course not all dwellings have areas so different it includes that in some cases some area single room that is used for all, what in popular speech people called and at times now call a round room (cuarto redondo).

[p. 30]

This question has been designed precisely to know the number of rooms, bedrooms or sleeping quarters that the Costa Rican dwellings have and which of them are occupied for sleeping, preparing food, relaxing, etc. All rooms or bedrooms of the dwelling that are used for exclusively professional, commercial, industrial or service purposes should be excluded, such as lawyer's office, offices, local stores or grocery stores, barber shops or beauty shops, "cantinas [bars]" or bars, workshops, etc. Also halls, porches, bathrooms, inner patios, depots or garages, etc.

{How to register the number and use of the rooms of the dwelling}

In the open boxes placed at the right side of question number 6 (Number and Use of Rooms), you should register the information turning to the use of two digits or numbers. This operation has to be done first to indicate the number of rooms. For example: in a dwelling that has 10 rooms (four bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, television room, breakfast room, and a room for the servant, you should write down the total in the following manner:

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

Once you have registered the number of rooms of the dwelling it is necessary that you indicate how many are used for sleeping (remember that the room for the servant is where she sleeps), how many like living/dining room, how many for only cooking, how many for cooking and eating at the same time, and how many are meant to be for "other uses" without you having to write down what is specifically done in them.

Nevertheless, those dwellings exist that have a single room that its inhabitants use at the same time for sleeping, cooking, eating, and receiving visitors. You should consider them dwellings without bedroom, that is to say with "zero" (0) bedrooms, except in the case that this single room is used exclusively for sleeping. Then you should mark the digits 01 in the cells meant for indicating the number of rooms, such {0}{1} in those reserved for the concept "only for sleeping" it will have been indicated in the following form: {0}{1} that means something like "01 bedroom". The places used for commercial, professional, industrial or service purposes and that also serve as a residence for one or more persons are not considered as "only for sleeping" they are only registered as dwelling and as if it did not have a number of rooms, that is to say by what are referred to as rooms that are used as living room and dining room (living/dining room) and kitchen and dining room (kitchen-dining room) as a result obviously serve to fulfill two of the purposes that they indicate. Nor does any doubt exist when one talks about a room that is only for cooking ("only-kitchen); although in this case it can happen that any person or persons sleep in the kitchen (on the floor or on benches), but is considered as "only kitchen".

Caution. In the countryside it is possible to find that the kitchen is a "separate" construction from the rest of the dwelling. In this case it is taken as an integral part of the dwelling.

Finally, it remains for us to make some comment about rooms meant for different uses to those pointed out previously ("other uses"). Generally it concerns spaces or rooms that residents use as places or recreation and service. For example: Living room, dining room, study, recreation room, bedroom where also they cook.

Remember that no open box should be left without annotation, because of this, when there are no rooms of any of the specified classes, write down {0}{0} according to what it corresponds to.