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Reason for migration

Questionnaire Text

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8. Reasons for migration:
[] 1 Job transfer
[] 2 Job assignment
[] 3 Work/business
[] 4 Study/training
[] 5 To relative/friend
[] 6 Retired/resigned
[] 7 Move with family
[] 8 Marriage
[] 9 Other

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8. Reason for Migration -- For those migrants aged 5 and over. (Migrants are the persons whose regular residence as of July 1, 1985 is different from their regular residence as of July 1, 1990) For those whose regular residence as of July 1, 1985 is this county or city, that is, those whose answers are "01" in the question 7, do not answer this question. There are nine answers given below-- circle the correct one.

1. Job Transfer: Those aged 15 and over who migrate to this county or city because of job transfer. For those who are discharged from the army and move to this county from the army, circle this answer as well.

2. Job Assignment: Those aged 15 and over who are assigned or recruited to this county or city after graduation from various types of schools.
3. Work/Business: Those aged 15 and over who migrate to live in this county or city to work or for business activities.
4. Study/Training: Those aged 6 and over who move to live in this county or city because of being enrolled to the various types of schools at different levels, or because of participation in various types of training programs.
5. Live with Relative/Friend: Those who move to live in this county or city to live with their relatives or friends.
6. Retired/Resigned: Those who move to live in this county or city after retiring/ resigning from the previous job, including the farmers who live in pension in the rural areas that have established the pension system.
7. Moved with Family: Those who move to live in this county or city with those workers/cadres who move here because of job transfer.
8. In-migration though Marriage: Those who are aged 15 and over and move to/settle in spouses' residential county or city.
9. Others: Those who move in our county and/or city for other reasons.

If there are multiple reasons for immigration, please only choose the major one. Multiple answers are unaccepted.