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Province of residence in 1965

Questionnaire Text

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9. Residence in 1965: Only for those persons five years of age and older.

Where was your habitual or permanent residence in April, 1965?

[] 1 Here

____ Municipality or place

____ Province or country
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question No. 9--Habitual Residence in 1965

This question should only be asked of people 5 years and older. The name of the municipality or place and the name of the province where the person being enumerated lived in April of 1965 should be obtained, if the person was living in Chile on that date. If the person was living abroad, the name of the country of residence should be obtained.

When the response is the same as the place of enumeration, mark the X following the box "here" and continue on to question No. 10.

If the response is different [from the place of enumeration], find out the name of the municipality and province of residence in 1965 if the person lived in the country, and the name of the country if the person lived abroad.