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Educational attainment, United States

Codes and Frequencies

An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample

000NIU (not in universe)XXXXXXXXX
100None or preschool····XXXXX
102Nursery schoolXXXX··XXX
200Grades 1 to 4···XXX···
201Grade 1XXX···XXX
202Grade 2XXX···XXX
203Grade 3XXX···XXX
204Grade 4XXX···XXX
300Grades 5 to 8···XXX···
301Grade 5XXX···XXX
302Grade 6XXX···XXX
303Grade 7XXX···XXX
304Grade 8XXX···XXX
500Grade 10XXXXXXXXX
600Grade 11XXXXXXXXX
700Grade 12XXX······
701Grade 12, no diploma···XXXXXX
702High school graduate or equivalency degree···XXX···
703High school diploma······XXX
704Graduate equivalency diploma (GED)······XXX
810Post-secondary: years of schooling (1960-1980)·········
8111 year of collegeXXX······
8122 years of collegeXXX······
8133 years of collegeXXX······
8144 years of collegeXXX······
8155 years of collegeXXX······
8166 years of college (6+ years, 1960-1970)XXX······
8177 years of college··X······
8188+ years of college (1980)··X······
820Post-secondary: degree (1990-2010)·········
821Some college, no degree···XXXXXX
822Associate degree, occupational···XX····
823Associate degree, academic···X·····
824Associate dregree, type not specified·····XXXX
825Bachelors degree···XXXXXX
826Masters degree···XXXXXX
827Professional degree···XXXXXX
828Doctorate degree···XXXXXX

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