Source Variables

Some unharmonized variables may not be available.

Variable Label
Type Sample
AM2001A_RESYR Year began living current locality P Armenia 2001
AM2011A_MIGYR Year of arrival to current residence P Armenia 2011
BY1999A_RESDUR Year began permanently living this settlement or rural area P Belarus 1999
BJ1979A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Benin 1979
BJ1992A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Benin 1992
BJ2013A_RESDUR Duration in current residence (years) P Benin 2013
BR1970A_DURRESID2 Length of residence in current municipality P Brazil 1970
BR1980A_LENGHTMU Length of residence in current municipality P Brazil 1980
BR1991A_NYRLIVMU Years living in the municipality P Brazil 1991
BR2000A_DURMUNI Duration of residence in this municipality P Brazil 2000
BR2010A_YRSMUNI Number of years living in this municipality P Brazil 2010
KH1998A_RESDUR Duration of stay in current village P Cambodia 1998
KH2004A_RESDUR Duration of stay in current village (years) P Cambodia 2004
KH2008A_DURRES Duration of stay in village P Cambodia 2008
KH2013A_RESDUR Duration of stay in the village (years) P Cambodia 2013
KH2019A_RESDUR Duration of stay in current village P Cambodia 2019
CM1976A_RESDUR Length of residence P Cameroon 1976
CM1987A_DURRES Duration of current residence P Cameroon 1987
CM2005A_RESDUR Number of years in current place of residence P Cameroon 2005
CL1960A_RESDUR Number of years person has lived in place of enumeration P Chile 1960
CO1964A_DURRES Period of time in current residence P Colombia 1964
CO1973A_RESIDDUR How long has lived here P Colombia 1973
CR1963A_RESDUR Years of residence in current Canton P Costa Rica 1963
CU2002A_RESDUR Length of stay in this municipality P Cuba 2002
CU2012A_RESDUR Years in current residence P Cuba 2012
EC1962A_RESYRS Years of residence P Ecuador 1962
EC1974A_RESDUR Period of residence P Ecuador 1974
EC1982A_RESYRS Years of residence in city or rural parish P Ecuador 1982
EC2001A_YRSLIVE Years lived in the place indicated P Ecuador 2001
EG1986A_RESDUR Duration of residence in years P Egypt 1986
EG1996A_RESDUR Duration of residence (in years) P Egypt 1996
EG2006A_DURRES Duration of stay at place of residence, in years P Egypt 2006
SV1992A_RESYR Year of arrival in current residence P El Salvador 1992
SV2007A_ARRIVYR Year of arrival to current municipality P El Salvador 2007
ET1984A_DURRES Duration of continuous residence in current town P Ethiopia 1984
ET1994A_DURRES Duration of continuous residence in Wereda P Ethiopia 1994
ET2007A_DURRES Years of continuous residence in town or rural part of wereda P Ethiopia 2007
GH2010A_YRSHERE Number of years lived at place of enumeration P Ghana 2010
GT1964A_RESDUR Years of residence in current municipality P Guatemala 1964
GT1981A_RESDUR Number of years of residence in this municipality P Guatemala 1981
GT1994A_RESDUR Years of residence in current municipality P Guatemala 1994
GN1996A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Guinea 1996
GN2014A_RESDUR Length of residence P Guinea 2014
HT1971A_DURRES Length of residence in municipality of permanent residence (in years) P Haiti 1971
HT1982A_DURRES Length of residence P Haiti 1982
HT2003A_RESBPL Length of residence in the city, district, or communal section P Haiti 2003
ID1971A_DURPROV Duration of residence in current province P Indonesia 1971
ID1980A_DURPROV Duration of residence in present province P Indonesia 1980
ID1985A_DURPROV Length of time lived in current regency/municipality P Indonesia 1985
ID1990A_DURPROV Duration of residence in current province P Indonesia 1990
ID1995A_DURRESID Duration of residence in current village (yrs) P Indonesia 1995
ID2005A_RESYRS Length of stay at current regency (years) P Indonesia 2005
IR2006A_DURRES Duration of residence in this city/village P Iran 2006
IQ1997A_RESDURY Years in current residential place P Iraq 1997
IL2008A_RESYR Year moving to the locality P Israel 2008
JM1982A_YRSPAR Number of years lived in this parish P Jamaica 1982
JM1991A_YRPARISH Year moved to current parish P Jamaica 1991
JM2001A_YRPAR Year moved to live in parish of residence P Jamaica 2001
JO2004A_RESDUR Duration of residence in current place (Jordanians) and in Jordan (non-Jordanians) in years P Jordan 2004
KE1999A_DURYEAR Year moved to current residence P Kenya 1999
KE2009A_RESDURYR Year when person moved to current district P Kenya 2009
KG1999A_YRMOVE Year moved P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG2009A_YRMOVED Year moved to current settlement P Kyrgyzstan 2009
LS1996A_RESDUR Duration of residence in current village or town (since 1986) P Lesotho 1996
LS2006A_RESDUR Years of residence in the village P Lesotho 2006
MW2008A_RESDUR Duration of residence (years) P Malawi 2008
MY1970A_LIVLOC Period of residence in present locality P Malaysia 1970
MY1980A_RESDURH Duration of residence in present locality P Malaysia 1980
ML1987A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Mali 1987
ML1998A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Mali 1998
ML2009A_DURRES Length of residence or stay in years P Mali 2009
MX1960A_RESDUR Number of years living in locality P Mexico 1960
MX1970A_RESDUR Period of residence P Mexico 1970
MX1995A_RESDURM Duration in current residence in months P Mexico 1995
MX1995A_RESDURY Time in current residence in years P Mexico 1995
MN2000A_MIGYR Year moved to current residence P Mongolia 2000
MA1982A_RESYRS Years at current residence (commune) P Morocco 1982
MA1994A_DURRES Duration of residence (in current town/village) P Morocco 1994
MA2004A_DURRES Duration at current residence, in years P Morocco 2004
MM2014A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Myanmar 2014
NP2001A_DURRES Duration of residence at the district of enumeration P Nepal 2001
NP2011A_RESDUR Years in district of residence P Nepal 2011
PK1973A_RESDUR Duration of continuous residence P Pakistan 1973
PA1960A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Panama 1960
PA1980A_RESDURYR Year of residence P Panama 1980
PY1992A_YRIMMIG Year of arrival to current place of residence P Paraguay 1992
PH1990A_MOVEYR Year moved to current city/municipality P Philippines 1990
PL2002A_YRLOC Time living in locality P Poland 2002
PL2002A_YRARR Year of arrival to the locality P Poland 2002
RO1977A_RESYR Year moved to current locality P Romania 1977
RO1992A_YRLEGRES Year of establishing legal residence P Romania 1992
RO2002A_RESYR Year of establishing actual legal residence P Romania 2002
RO2011A_LOCYRS Years residing in current locality P Romania 2011
RU2002A_RESDUR2 Year moved to current locality P Russia 2002
RU2010A_RESDUR2 Year moved to current locality P Russia 2010
RW1991A_RESDUR Duration of residence in the current township P Rwanda 1991
RW2002A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Rwanda 2002
SI2002A_RESDUR Duration of residence P Slovenia 2002
SS2008A_DURRES Duration of residence P South Sudan 2008
ES1981A_MOVEYR Year of change of municipality P Spain 1981
ES1991A_YRMUNI Year of arrival to municipality of residence P Spain 1991
ES2001A_YRMUNI Year of arrival in municipality P Spain 2001
ES2011A_ARRIVMUN Year of arrival to municipality P Spain 2011
SD2008A_DURRES Duration of residence P Sudan 2008
TH1970A_DURRES Length of residence P Thailand 1970
TH1980A_DURRES Length of residence P Thailand 1980
TH1990A_DURRES Length of residence P Thailand 1990
TH2000A_DURRES Years at present residence P Thailand 2000
TG1960A_RESDUR Years living in municipality P Togo 1960
TG2010A_RESDUR Years living in canton of current residence P Togo 2010
TT1970A_RESDUR Years living in this county in Trinidad and Tobago P Trinidad and Tobago 1970
UG1991A_RESDUR Duration of residence in district P Uganda 1991
UG2002A_RESDUR Duration of residence in district P Uganda 2002
UG2014A_RESDUR Years lived continuously in current district P Uganda 2014
UY2006A_YRSLOC Years lived in this locality P Uruguay 2006
UY2011A_RESDURR Years of residence P Uruguay 2011
VE1981A_TIMEPOPA Time in populated area P Venezuela 1981
ZM1990A_RESDURYR Duration of stay in current district (years) P Zambia 1990
ZM2000A_DURYEARS Duration of residence in years P Zambia 2000
ZM2010A_DURRES Years living continuously in current place of residence P Zambia 2010