Source Variables

Some unharmonized variables may not be available.

Variable Label
Type Sample
BO2012A_MIGN Number of household members living in another country H Bolivia 2012
BR2010A_NMIG Number of migration records H Brazil 2010
BF2006A_EMIGTOT Emigrants H Burkina Faso 2006
CO2005A_PATOT Total persons abroad H Colombia 2005
CR2011A_DWTYPE Dwelling type H Costa Rica 2011
CR2011A_ABRDNUM Number of household members living abroad H Costa Rica 2011
DO2002A_ABROAD Persons living abroad H Dominican Republic 2002
DO2002A_ABRMALE Total males living abroad H Dominican Republic 2002
EC2001A_MIGNUM Number of travellers H Ecuador 2001
EC2010A_EMIGDW Number of emigrants in the dwelling H Ecuador 2010
SV1992A_ABRFHH Number of females residing in another country H El Salvador 1992
SV1992A_ABRMHH Number of males residing in another country H El Salvador 1992
SV2007A_EMIGTOT Number of residents emigrated H El Salvador 2007
GT1994A_NABROAD Number of persons who live in another country H Guatemala 1994
GT2002A_NMIGTOT Total number of migrants (last 10 years) H Guatemala 2002
HN2001A_NCANM Males living in Canada (after October 1998) H Honduras 2001
HN2001A_NCANF Females living in Canada (after October 1998) H Honduras 2001
HN2001A_NOTHM Males living in another country (after October 1998) H Honduras 2001
HN2001A_NOTHF Females living in another country (after October 1998) H Honduras 2001
HN2001A_NUSAM Males living in the United States (after October 1998) H Honduras 2001
HN2001A_NUSAF Females living in the United States (after October 1998) H Honduras 2001
JM1991A_EMIGN Number of persons who lived abroad during previous year (1990) H Jamaica 1991
JM2001A_MIGRANTS Number of persons lived abroad in 2000 H Jamaica 2001
KE2009A_EMIG15YR Number of emigrants since 1995 H Kenya 2009
MW2008A_NMIG Number of emigrants in last ten years H Malawi 2008
ML2009A_EMIGTOT Total emigrants H Mali 2009
NP2011A_NABSENT Number of household members living abroad H Nepal 2011
NI2005A_ABROAD Household member currently living in another country H Nicaragua 2005
NI2005A_NABROAD Number of household members living abroad H Nicaragua 2005
PA1990A_LEFTCTRY Have a member who left the country during the last 10 years H Panama 1990
PA1990A_SEXH1 Sex of the first member who left Panama H Panama 1990
PA1990A_SEXH2 Sex of the second member who left Panama H Panama 1990
PA1990A_SEXH3 Sex of the third member who left Panama H Panama 1990
PA1990A_SEXH4 Sex of the fourth member who left Panama H Panama 1990
PA2000A_ABH Member in another country H Panama 2000
PA2000A_ABHSEX1 Sex of the first member who departed H Panama 2000
PA2000A_ABHSEX2 Sex of the second member who departed H Panama 2000
PA2000A_ABHSEX3 Sex of third member who departed H Panama 2000
PA2000A_DHSEX1 Sex of the first deceased member H Panama 2000
PA2010A_MIGRANTS Household member left to live in another country in last decade H Panama 2010
PA2010A_MIG1SEX Sex of first household member who migrated H Panama 2010
PA2010A_MIG2SEX Sex of second household member who migrated H Panama 2010
PA2010A_MIG3SEX Sex of third household member who migrated H Panama 2010
PE2007A_MIGRANTS Number of people in another country H Peru 2007
PE2017A_ANYMIG Any household members living in another country H Peru 2017
PE2017A_NMIG Number of household members living in another country H Peru 2017
LC1991A_EMIGN Number of emigrants in household H Saint Lucia 1991
SN2002A_MIGN Number of migration records H Senegal 2002
UY2006A_ABROAD Household member went abroad H Uruguay 2006
UY2006A_ABROADN Number of household members that went abroad H Uruguay 2006