Source Variables

Some unharmonized variables may not be available.

Variable Label
Type Sample
BY1999A_CHSURV Children surviving P Belarus 1999
BY1999A_CHAWAY Children living separately P Belarus 1999
BW1981A_CHHOME Number of children living with mother in this household P Botswana 1981
BW1991A_CHLDLVMOT Number of children living with the mother P Botswana 1991
BW2001A_HOMECHM Number of male children living with mother P Botswana 2001
BW2001A_HOMECHF Number of female children living with mother P Botswana 2001
BW2011A_CHBORN Children ever born P Botswana 2011
BW2011A_CHMOM Children living with mother P Botswana 2011
SV1992A_CHATHOME Children living in household P El Salvador 1992
SV2007A_CHLVHOME Number of children in the household P El Salvador 2007
ET1984A_CHHOMEM Number of male children living at home P Ethiopia 1984
ET1984A_CHHOMEF Number of female children living at home P Ethiopia 1984
ET1994A_MALEHOME Male children ever born living at home P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_FEMHOME Female children ever born living at home P Ethiopia 1994
ET2007A_CHHOMEM Number of sons living at home P Ethiopia 2007
ET2007A_CHHOMEF Number of daughters living at home P Ethiopia 2007
FJ1986A_CHHOMEM Number of male children present P Fiji 1986
FJ1986A_CHHOMEF Number of female children present P Fiji 1986
FJ1996A_CHHOMEM Male children born alive living here P Fiji 1996
FJ1996A_CHHOMEF Female children born alive living here P Fiji 1996
FJ2007A_HOMECHD Total children ever born who are living with mother P Fiji 2007
HT1982A_CHSURVHH Surviving children currently living in the household P Haiti 1982
HN1974A_CHHOME Number of children in the household P Honduras 1974
ID1976A_CHHOME Children living at home P Indonesia 1976
ID1980A_CHHOME Number of children living at home P Indonesia 1980
ID1990A_HOMEMALE Number of male children living at home P Indonesia 1990
ID1990A_HOMEFEM Number of female children living at home P Indonesia 1990
ID1995A_HOMEMALE Number of sons in household P Indonesia 1995
ID1995A_HOMEFEM Number of daughters in household P Indonesia 1995
ID2010A_HOMEMALE Number of male children ever born living in this household P Indonesia 2010
ID2010A_HOMEFEM Number of female children ever born living in this household P Indonesia 2010
KE1979A_HOMEMALE Male children at home P Kenya 1979
KE1979A_HOMEFEM Female children at home P Kenya 1979
KE1989A_HOMEMALE Male children living at home P Kenya 1989
KE1989A_HOMEFEM Female children living at home P Kenya 1989
KE1999A_MALEHH Number of male children usually living in household P Kenya 1999
KE1999A_FEMHH Number of female children usually living in household P Kenya 1999
KE2009A_HOMECHM Number of boys born alive living in household P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_HOMECHF Number of girls born alive living in household P Kenya 2009
LA1995A_CHHOMEM Number of male children born alive and present at home on census night P Laos 1995
LA1995A_CHHOMEF Number of female children born alive and present at home on census night P Laos 1995
LA2005A_CHHOMEM Male children living at home P Laos 2005
LA2005A_CHHOMEF Female children living at home P Laos 2005
LA2015A_CHHOMEM Male children living at home P Laos 2015
LA2015A_CHHOMEF Female children living at home P Laos 2015
LS1996A_CHHOMEM Male children at home P Lesotho 1996
LS1996A_CHHOMEF Female children at home P Lesotho 1996
LS2006A_CHHOMEM Male children living in this household P Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_CHHOMEF Female children living in this household P Lesotho 2006
LR1974A_HOMECH Children at home P Liberia 1974
LR2008A_HOMEMAL Number of male children living in household P Liberia 2008
LR2008A_HOMEFEM Number of female children living in household P Liberia 2008
MA1982A_CHHOME Number of children living in household P Morocco 1982
MA1994A_CHHOME Children living at home P Morocco 1994
MA2004A_CHHOME Children living in household P Morocco 2004
MM2014A_CHHOMEM Male children in household P Myanmar 2014
MM2014A_CHHOMEF Female children in household P Myanmar 2014
NP2001A_MALEHH Number of children living in household, male P Nepal 2001
NP2001A_FEMHH Number of children living in household, female P Nepal 2001
NP2011A_CHHOMEM Number of sons living in household P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_CHHOMEF Number of daughters living in household P Nepal 2011
PG1980A_CHHOMEM Male children living in this household P Papua New Guinea 1980
PG1980A_CHHOMEF Female children living in this household P Papua New Guinea 1980
PG2000A_CHHOMEM Male children living in the household P Papua New Guinea 2000
PG2000A_CHHOMEF Female children living in the household P Papua New Guinea 2000
SL2004A_CHHOMEM Number of male children in this household P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2004A_CHHOMEF Number of female children in this household P Sierra Leone 2004
SL2015A_CHHOME Number of children living in this household P Sierra Leone 2015
ZA2007A_CHSURVH Total children surviving and living in the household P South Africa 2007
SS2008A_HOMEMAL Male children at home P South Sudan 2008
SS2008A_HOMEFEM Female children at home P South Sudan 2008
SD2008A_HOMEMAL Male children at home P Sudan 2008
SD2008A_HOMEFEM Female children at home P Sudan 2008
TZ1988A_CHSURVHF Female children surviving and living here P Tanzania 1988
TZ1988A_CHSURVHM Male children surviving and living in this household P Tanzania 1988
TZ2002A_MCHILDHH Male children ever born and living in the household P Tanzania 2002
TZ2002A_FCHILDHH Female children ever born and living in the household P Tanzania 2002
TZ2012A_CHHOMEM Number of male children living in the household P Tanzania 2012
TZ2012A_CHHOMEF Number of female children living in the household P Tanzania 2012
TH1980A_CHHOME Number of children ever born living at home P Thailand 1980
TH1990A_CHILDHH Number of children living in household P Thailand 1990
UG2002A_CHHH Children in household P Uganda 2002
UY2006A_CHHERE Number of children living in household P Uruguay 2006
VN1999A_CHTOGTHR Children living with the mother P Vietnam 1999
VN2009A_NCHHH Number of children still in the household P Vietnam 2009
VN2019A_CHHOMEM Number of sons living in household P Vietnam 2019
VN2019A_CHHOMEF Number of daughters living in household P Vietnam 2019
ZM1990A_HOMEMAL Male children in household P Zambia 1990
ZM1990A_HOMEFEM Female children in household P Zambia 1990
ZM2000A_HOMEMAL Number of male births still living with you P Zambia 2000
ZM2000A_HOMEFEM Number of female births still living with you P Zambia 2000
ZM2010A_MALESHH Number of male live births still living with you P Zambia 2010
ZM2010A_FEMSHH Number of female live births still living with you P Zambia 2010
ZW2012A_CHHOMEM Male children in household P Zimbabwe 2012
ZW2012A_CHHOMEF Female children in household P Zimbabwe 2012