Codes and Frequencies
Code | Label |
0 | 0 | 15,475 |
1 | 1 | 15,570 |
2 | 2 | 361 |
9 | NIU (not in universe) | 964,711 |
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This variable indicates if the woman has any male children born in the last year living with her.
- Zambia 2000: Females age 12 to 49 who had a live birth in the last 12 months
- Zambia: 2000
Questionnaire Text
(Own children ever born alive)
28. Live Births
Did you have any live births in the last 12 months?
[] Yes
[] No (Go to Question 30)
29. Of the children born to you alive:
a. how many are still living with you? How many of these are male and how many are female?
b. how many are living elsewhere in some other household? How many of these are male and how many are female?
c. how many died? How many of these are male and how many are female?
You are about to start a new topic so you have to prepare the respondent by informing her that you are now going to ask her questions about children and child bearing. Remember these are questions to be asked of female adults and not for husbands to answer for their wives, except where it is inevitable. Questions on fertility are to be asked only of those females who are 12 years and older and they involve only their own children.
P31: Did you have any Live Birth Since August, 1999?
This question is only asked to females 12-49 years of age. Do not ask this question to females 50 years and older since it will be embarrassing. Shade appropriately. The question is similar to P-29 except that this time we are trying to find out if the female had a live birth in the "last 12 months".
P32 Of the Children Born to you alive?
The number of male and female children born alive to this female in the last 12 months is to he recorded separately in three different categories. These are:
b. Still living but staying with some other households" e.g other relatives, in institutions
etc.: and
c. Those who have since died (regardless of whether the death took place just after or much later in life).
If a woman is visiting, then the question of "still living with you" should he asked with respect to her usual place of residence. That is about children she normally stays with. Enter the number of children as reported by sex in two digits e.g. if 1 male child is living with her shade 0 in the first column and I in the second column under male. If the answer is none. enter 00 and shade the 2 zeros in the two columns. Never leave a column blank.