Questionnaire Text

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Section F: Fertility - ask of women aged 12 to 50 years (born between and including 1957 and 1995) listed on the flap
[Questions P-40 to P-47.]

P-42 Total children surviving and living in this household

a. How many of (the person's) children are still alive and living with her in this household, including grown-ups?
_ _
b. How many are boys?
_ _
c. How many are girls?
_ _

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5.7. Section F: Fertility

This section is to be asked only of women aged 12 to 50 years (born between and including 1957 and 1995) listed on the flap.

(P-42): Total children surviving and living in this household:
a. How many of (the person's) children are still alive and living with her in this household, including grown-ups?
b. How many are boys?
c. How many are girls?

Confirm that the total of b. and c. matches a. If there are any discrepancies, probe.

The total cannot be greater than the total for children ever born alive in P-42.