P-33 Availability for work
If a suitable job is offered, how soon can (the person) start work?
[] 1 Within a week
[] 2 Within two weeks
[] 3 Within four weeks
[] 4 More than four weeks from now
[] 5 Not interested
[] 6 Not able (health or disability)
[] 7 Do not know
Write code in the box.
If "yes" for a person to any of the questions from p-30a to p-30g, go to p-36 for that person.
Even if the person did only one of the mentioned activities even for at least one hour during the past 7days the skip to Question P-36 is still valid.
If "no" to all questions from p-30a to p-30g, continue with p-31 to p-35 for that person.
(P-33) Availability for work: If a suitable job is offered, how soon can (the person) start work?
This question should only be asked of persons who answered "No" in P-31.