2.1. What type of energy/fuel does this household mainly use for cooking, heating and lighting? (Circle only one code in each column)
[] 2 = Electricity from other source, e.g. generator, solar cell
[] 3 = Gas
[] 4 = Paraffin
[] 5 = Wood
[] 6 = Coal
[] 7 = Candles
[] 8 = Animal dung
____ Other, specify:
[] 2 = Electricity from other source, e.g. generator, solar cell
[] 3 = Gas
[] 4 = Paraffin
[] 5 = Wood
[] 6 = Coal
[] 7 = Candles
[] 8 = Animal dung
____ Other, specify:
[] 2 = Electricity from other source, e.g. generator, solar cell
[] 3 = Gas
[] 4 = Paraffin
[] 5 = Wood
[] 6 = Coal
[] 7 = Candles
[] 8 = Animal dung
____ Other, specify: