Codes and Frequencies
Explore how IPUMS created this variable
class Yrimm2 : public Editor {
Yrimm2(VarPointer varInfo) : Editor(varInfo) {}
void edit() {
long a = getRecoded();
switch (dataSet) {
case dataset_id::ie1986a: {
if (IE1986A_0408() >= 1 && IE1986A_0408() <= 8 && IE1986A_0405() >= 1 &&
IE1986A_0405() <= 8)
a = 0;
} break;
case dataset_id::ie1991a: {
if (IE1991A_0409() >= 1 && IE1991A_0409() <= 8 && IE1991A_0406() >= 1 &&
IE1991A_0406() <= 9)
a = 0;
} break;
case dataset_id::ie1996a: {
if (IE1996A_0409() >= 1 && IE1996A_0409() <= 8 && IE1996A_0405() >= 1 &&
IE1996A_0405() <= 8)
a = 0;
} break;
case dataset_id::ie2002a: {
if (IE2002A_0411() >= 1 && IE2002A_0411() <= 8 && IE2002A_0407() >= 1 &&
IE2002A_0407() <= 8)
a = 0;
} break;
case dataset_id::ie2006a: {
if (IE2006A_0414() >= 1 && IE2006A_0414() <= 8 && IE2006A_0410() >= 1 &&
IE2006A_0410() <= 8)
a = 0;
} break;
YRIMM2 indicates the calendar year that a foreign-born person came to live in their country of residence, categorized into intervals.
Comparability — Index
GENERAL Ireland |
Israel Spain |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Comparability — General
The codes are not integrated across samples. Most codes represent year ranges, which were impossible to make compatible. The labels for each code describe the ranges.
The universe differs across samples. Only non-citizens answered the question in the Spanish sample.
For a similar variable giving exact year of immigration for many more samples, see YRIMM.
Comparability — Ireland [top]
The year of immigration was originally collected from persons who lived abroad for one year or more, without consideration of birthplace. Thus, for consistency, persons born in Ireland were excluded from this variable for all samples.
The universe in Ireland samples is comparable. In Ireland 2002, 2006, and 2011 it is foreign-born persons age one or older who lived abroad for one year or more. In Ireland 1986, 1991, and 1996 it is foreign-born persons.
Comparability — Israel [top]
The 1983 census asked the question only of foreign-born Jews. The other Israeli censuses asked all foreign-born persons.
Comparability — Spain [top]
Only non-citizens answered the question.
Comparability — Trinidad and Tobago [top]
The census question refers to the first time the person came to live in Trinidad and Tobago.
- France 2006: Foreign-born persons
- France 2011: Foreign-born persons
- Ireland 1986: Foreign-born persons
- Ireland 1991: Foreign-born persons
- Ireland 1996: Foreign-born persons
- Ireland 2002: Present foreign-born persons age 1+
- Ireland 2006: Present foreign-born persons age 1+
- Ireland 2011: Present foreign-born persons age 1+
- Israel 1972: Foreign-born persons
- Israel 1983: Foreign-born Jews
- Israel 1995: Foreign-born persons
- Israel 2008: Foreign-born persons
- Puerto Rico 1980: Foreign-born persons
- Puerto Rico 1990: Foreign-born persons
- Slovenia 2002: Foreign-born persons
- Spain 1991: Non-citizens
- Trinidad and Tobago 1970: Foreign-born persons
- United Kingdom 1971: Present foreign-born persons
- France: 2006, 2011
- Ireland: 1986, 1991, 1996, 2002, 2006, 2011
- Israel: 1972, 1983, 1995, 2008
- Puerto Rico: 1980, 1990
- Slovenia: 2002
- Spain: 1991
- Trinidad and Tobago: 1970
- United Kingdom: 1971