Questionnaire Text

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Persons born before 4/1986 (13 years old or over) answer the following questions:

18. a. Did (Name) work for the government or for other organization?

[] 1 Government
[] 2 Collective
[] 3 Capital
[] 4 Private [Go on to question 19]
[] 5 Mix
[] 6 Foreign

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Questions 13 to 18: Only ask persons who were born before April, 1986 (aged 13 years and older) (Persons who were born in 1986 and do not have month of birth in question 4 should also answer these questions).

Question 18:

This question is only asked of persons who have code "1" in Question 16.

Question 18a. Did (name) work for the government or for other organization?

A person who "worked" (code "1" in question 16) and reported main job in question 17, can work in one of 6 socioeconomic organizations, as follows:

1. Public: including all public offices, institutions, and enterprises managed by central or local governmental authorities. These are defined as follows:

Government agencies, public administrative and research offices
Communist party organizations, governmental union and mass organizations
Public enterprises are fully funded by domestic capital and managed by public company's rules or law.
Joint venture companies in which all partners are governmental enterprises.
Joint venture companies in which one or more partners belong to Vietnamese public sector and one foreign company or organization or individual.

A person who is defined as working for public sector has code "1".

2. Collective: includes all economic organizations (so called co-operative) which were founded and funded voluntarily by their members in accordance to the co-operative law and members (who were called co-operative's staffs) and are working directly at the co-operative. Collective sector includes:

Co-operatives in agriculture, handicraft, construction, transportation, services, etc.
Production enterprises are managed as co-operative rules.
Joint venture companies funded by staffs' family members of offices, union and mass organizations
Joint venture companies between one or more collective enterprises and one foreign company or organization or individual.

A person who is defined as working for collective sector has code "2".

3. Private: includes enterprises which were founded and managed by private enterprise law. Private enterprise is a business unit with its recurrent capital not less than its legal established capital and is managed by one individual who has guaranteed all of his/her assets for the company's activities.

A private enterprise should have:
Company's name, stamp (with its own company's logo), bank account.
Official address and business office.
Registering production or business or services
Private sector can be a joint venture between one or more Vietnamese private companies and one foreign company or organization or individual. Persons who are managers or workers of private companies are all defined in "private sector" and coded "3".

4. Self-employed: includes household production enterprises or household business and are not in satisfactory conditions to open private company. They organize as small and private household productions and services.

If a person is defined as self-employed, interviewers select code "4" and ask the next person (if it is a complete census) or ask question 19 and skip questions 18b and 18c (if it is a sampling census).

5. Mixed: includes economic units which were joint ventures of companies in different economic sectors. These companies are managed by company's law (such as Joint Stock Company and limited company).

A company should have its name, stamp (with logo of a joint stock company or limited company), and business office.

Mixed economic sector includes:
Joint stock companies
Limited companies
Joint venture companies between one or more Vietnamese companies in mixed economic sector and one foreign company or organization or individual.

A person who is defined as working for mixed sector has code "5".

6. Foreign:
Enterprises with 100% of foreign capital
Representative offices of foreign companies, enterprises, and factories.
International and foreign organizations

A person who is defined as working for foreign economic sector has code "5".