9. This household has the following:
2.4 Household appliances
Through the appliances available to households, it is possible to study the levels of comfort and quality of life of the population. This question refers to the possibility of availability, or lack thereof, of appliances. The following appliances are contemplated:
-- Refrigerator: Closet lined with insulating material and equipped with an ice receptacle for the cooling and conservation of food and drink. Runs with electricity or kerosene.
-- Water filter: Appliance that allows the filtration and elimination of impurities in water used for drinking.
-- Radio: Apparatus that receives transmissions with a modulated and amplified frequency, providing diversion [entertainment] and information to the members of the household.
-- Television: Apparatus that simultaneously receives sounds and images providing entertainment and information to the members of the household.
-- [Clothes] Washer: Machine designed to wash the clothes of the household members.
-- [Clothes] Dryer: Machine designed to dry the clothes of the household members.
-- Water heater: Fixed gas or electric appliance that provides hot water in the dwelling; either centrally or individually. Showerheads that provide instant hot water are included.
-- Air conditioning: Electric appliance that allows the temperature in all or part of the dwelling to be lowered. Fans are not included.
-- Microwave: Closed appliance provided with a system that generates high-frequency electromagnetic waves in which food meant for human consumption is heated.
-- Mobile or cellular phone: Telephonic device with mobile cellular technology that transmits the voice. Only counted when the device stays in the household and is used by the household members.
-- Cable television: Fixture that allows access to the different television channels from around the world. This includes satellite reception and other subscription services.
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-- Computer: Automated machine, used in the treatment of information that obeys programs formed by successive arithmetic and logical operations, used by the household members.
-- Internet access: Electronic mail system that is connected through computers, cellular phones, or a satellite television system, with different addresses for the persons or institutions subscribing to this global service.