Codes and Frequencies
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class Radio : public Editor {
Radio(VarPointer varInfo) : Editor(varInfo) {}
void edit() {
long a = getRecoded();
switch (dataSet) {
case dataset_id::do1981a: {
if (DO1981A_0079(0) == 9 && DO1981A_0078(0) == 9)
a = 0;
if (DO1981A_0079(0) == 9 && DO1981A_0078(0) == 8)
a = 99;
} break;
case dataset_id::ng2008a: {
if (NG2008A_0044(0) == 2 && NG2008A_0050(0) == 1)
a = 2;
} break;
case dataset_id::ng2009a: {
if (NG2009A_0048(0) == 2 && NG2009A_0054(0) == 1)
a = 2;
} break;
RADIO indicates whether the household had a radio.
Comparability — Index
Comparability — General
The samples are generally comparable, with the most significant issue being the inclusion of other stereo equipment in the radio question in the censuses of 2001 Bolivia, Honduras, Jordan, Palestine, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. The data for Fiji are combined with "stereos" and will tend to overestimate radio ownership.
The instructions for some censuses mentioned battery-powered or inoperable units. Many censuses, especially in more recent years, specify that the equipment be in working condition.
Comparability — Benin [top]
The 2013 census asked whether the household owns a radio that is in functional condition.
Comparability — Bolivia [top]
The 2001 census question asked about a radio or stereo equipment; therefore not all "yes" responses in the 2001 sample necessarily had a radio. In 2012, the question asks about radios, but it does not refer to stereo or similar equipment.
Comparability — Botswana [top]
Samples in 2001 and 2011 ask about radios in good working condition.
Comparability — Brazil [top]
The Brazilian censuses explicitly include battery-powered radios. In the 2000 sample, only equipment in usable condition was to be considered.
Comparability — Burkina Faso [top]
The variable records only radios in working condition.
Comparability — Cambodia [top]
The exact number of radios is preserved in the unharmonized variable. In 2008, 2013 and 2019, the census question refers to radios and transistors.
Comparability — Chile [top]
The 1960 sample is a sample of individuals, not households. Only heads of households have most household-level information.
Comparability — Colombia [top]
The 2005 census question asks about a sound equipment or a stereo.
Comparability — Costa Rica [top]
The 1963 sample explicitly included battery-powered radios. In 2011, the questionnaire asked about "radio or sound equipment."
Comparability — Dominican Republic [top]
In 1981 there are two source variables concerning radios in the household. One variable records whether the household has an electric or non-electric radio. The other variables record the number of radios in the household. Household with an electric or non-electric television are included in the "yes" category in the integrated RADIO variable. See the 1981 source variables for more detail.
For the 2002 sample, "yes" indicates that the household owns a radio or music equipment. For the 2010 sample, "yes" indicates that the household owns a radio or stereo. The source variables do not indicate the number of radios, music equipment units, or stereos in the household.
There are slight differences in the universe across samples.
Comparability — Egypt [top]
The exact number of radios is preserved in the unharmonized variable; radios are counted when they are being used or set for future use.
Comparability — El Salvador [top]
The question asks if there is a radio in the household, but is not explicit about access versus ownership.
Comparability — Ethiopia [top]
In 1984, information was collected for urban households only. In 1994, the question was asked separately for urban and rural areas, but asked of both places. In 2007, the question was asked of long form respondents and states explicitly that the radio must be in working condition.
Comparability — Fiji [top]
In 2007 and 2014, the source variable records the number of radios or stereos owned by household. The data are included in this variable on the assumption that "stereos" typically include radio receivers, but the data will be an overestimate.
Comparability — Haiti [top]
The source variable specifies the total number of radios in the dwelling.
Comparability — Honduras [top]
In 2001, the census question includes the radio even if it is found in poor working condition awaiting repair. The 1961, 1988, and 2013 samples do not clarify whether it needs to be in working condition or not.
The census question in 1961 and 1988 refers only to radios, while 2001 and 2013 also considers radio or tape recorders and stereos.
The 1961 sample only has information for households consisting of a head.
Comparability — Indonesia [top]
The 1976, 1980, 1985, 1990, and 1995 samples all explicitly ask about possession of a radio, not ownership. The 1990 and 1995 samples include radios that were out of order but could be repaired.
The 2005 question differs significantly from other samples. The question is explicitly concerned with ownership and includes devices that were out of the house or not functioning at the time of enumeration. Furthermore, the question combines ownership of radio, tape or CD players.
Comparability — Jordan [top]
The question asked about a radio or tape recorder; therefore not all "Yes" responses had a radio.
Comparability — Kenya [top]
The variable records if the household owns a radio.
Comparability — Laos [top]
In 2015, the census question required that the radio had to be in working order.
Comparability — Lesotho [top]
The census question in 1996 and 2006 specifies that the radio had to be in working condition.
Comparability — Liberia [top]
The 2008 source variable records radios in working condition.
Comparability — Malawi [top]
The 1987 and 1998 samples represent a radio in the first dwelling of the household only. Radios not in working condition are excluded. The 2018 sample is applied to all households.
Comparability — Malaysia [top]
The 1970 and 1980 samples asked if the household had a radio. The 1991 and 2000 samples asked if there was a radio "available for use" by any member of the household.
Comparability — Mexico [top]
The 1960 sample includes individuals, not households. Only heads of households have most household-level information.
The 1970 sample explicitly included battery-powered radios. The 2000 sample included radio or radio recorder. The 2015 and 2020 samples included radio, radio-recording, radio-alarm clock, and modular radio device, as well as devices that have this function, such as cell phones and music players, when this use is indicated by the respondent.
In 2000, 2015, and 2020, enumerators were instructed to include broken or inoperable radios, provided that the household intended to repair the unit. In 2000, 2010, 2015, and 2020, they were instructed not to include the units borrowed from employers.
Comparability — Mozambique [top]
The samples are comparable except that a number of households have unknown or missing responses in 1997.
Comparability — Nepal [top]
In 2001 and 2011, the variable includes all types of radios and transistors, whether electric or battery operated. The 2011 census question specified that the radio should be in working condition or it can be easily repaired.
Comparability — Nicaragua [top]
Both samples report ownership of a radio.
Comparability — Palestine [top]
The variable includes radios or "Recorders".
Comparability — Panama [top]
The variable records whether the household own a radio or not.
Comparability — Paraguay [top]
The variable is available and comparable in samples from 1972, 1982, 1992.
Comparability — Philippines [top]
Radios in the census question were to include transistor, radiophone, stereo or karaoke. Units out of working conditions for six months or longer were to be excluded.
Comparability — Puerto Rico [top]
In 1970, the form instructs enumerators to include car radios.
Comparability — Rwanda [top]
The 2012 census question requires the radio to be in functioning condition; this is not specified in 1991 or 2002.
Comparability — Saint Lucia [top]
The variable records the number of radios owned or rented by members of the household.
Comparability — Senegal [top]
In the 1988 sample, the source variable records the number of radios existing in the household, and only includes radios that are in working condition. In 2002 and 2013, the source variable records whether or not the household owns a radio, and includes radios regardless of whether they were working or temporarily not working.
In 1988 and 2002, the question was asked of all households. In 2013, the question was asked only of ordinary households.
Comparability — Sierra Leone [top]
In 2004, only radios in working condition were to be considered.
Comparability — South Africa [top]
In the South Africa 2001-2016, only radios in working condition were to be counted.
The 2001 and 2007 samples ask whether the household had access to a radio. In 2011 and 2016, the census question indicates more specifically whether the household owned a radio.
Comparability — South Sudan [top]
The variable includes radios or transistors.
Comparability — Sudan [top]
The variable includes radios or transistors.
Comparability — Suriname [top]
The 2012 census asks whether a radio or stereo set is at the household's disposal and in working condition.
Comparability — Tanzania [top]
The variable records whether or not the household owned a radio. In 2002, radios in reparation were not included. In both samples 2002 and 2012, only radios in working condition considered.
Comparability — Thailand [top]
In the 1970 and 1980 samples, the enumeration instructions specify that only items in good condition, or in the process of repair, and owned for personal use by household members should be recorded. Enumerators were instructed not to include appliances used exclusively for business purposes.
In the 1990 and 2000 samples, only radios owned by the household were recorded. The exact number is preserved in the unharmonized source variables for these years.
Comparability — Trinidad and Tobago [top]
The census question includes stereos or radiograms in 1990, stereos or radios with CD players in 2000, and radios or stereos in 2011.
Comparability — Uganda [top]
In the 2002 sample, the source variable records whether or not the household owned a radio. The 2002 census is explicit about ownership versus access: households that had access to a radio but did not own it were recorded as not owning a radio. In 2014, the source variable refers to the number of radios owned by household members.
Comparability — United States [top]
Inoperable units, ham radio sets, and car radios were to be excluded.
Comparability — Vietnam [top]
The 2009 and 2019 samples identify whether the household is using a radio, regardless of ownership.
Comparability — Zambia [top]
The 1990 source variable indicates the number of radios in the household. The variable is top-coded at 4 televisions. The 2000 and 2010 source variables do not indicate the number of radios in the household. The 2010 question specifies that the radio must be functional.
- Benin 2013: All households
- Bolivia 2001: Private occupied dwellings
- Bolivia 2012: Private occupied dwellings
- Botswana 2001: Private households
- Botswana 2011: Private households
- Brazil 1960: Private households, excluding improvised dwellings
- Brazil 1970: Private households, excluding improvised dwellings
- Brazil 1980: Private households, excluding improvised dwellings
- Brazil 1991: Private households, excluding improvised dwellings
- Brazil 2000: Private households, excluding improvised dwellings
- Brazil 2010: Occupied permanent private households
- Burkina Faso 2006: All households
- Cambodia 2008: Regular households
- Cambodia 2013: All households
- Cambodia 2019: All households
- Chile 1960: Households in which the head was sampled
- Chile 1970: Occupied dwellings
- Chile 1982: Private occupied dwellings
- Chile 1992: Private occupied dwellings
- Colombia 2005: All households
- Costa Rica 1963: Private dwellings
- Costa Rica 1973: Private occupied dwellings
- Costa Rica 1984: Private occupied dwellings
- Costa Rica 2011: Private dwellings
- Côte d'Ivoire 1988: All households
- Côte d'Ivoire 1998: Ordinary households
- Dominican Republic 1981: Occupied dwellings
- Dominican Republic 2002: Private occupied designated households
- Dominican Republic 2010: Private occupied dwellings
- Egypt 2006: Private households
- El Salvador 1992: Occupied private households
- Ethiopia 1984: Urban households
- Ethiopia 1994: Households with information collected
- Ethiopia 2007: Households that responded to the long form
- Fiji 2007: All households
- Fiji 2014: All households
- Guatemala 1964: All households
- Guatemala 1981: Private occupied households
- Haiti 2003: Occupied private households
- Honduras 1961: Households consisting of a head
- Honduras 1988: Private households
- Honduras 2001: Private households
- Honduras 2013: Private households
- Indonesia 1976: All households
- Indonesia 1980: All households
- Indonesia 1985: All households
- Indonesia 1990: All households
- Indonesia 1995: All households
- Indonesia 2005: All households
- Jordan 2004: Not hotel or public housing unit
- Kenya 2009: Conventional households or refugee camps
- Kenya 2019: Private households
- Laos 2015: All households
- Lesotho 1996: All households
- Lesotho 2006: All households
- Liberia 2008: All households
- Malawi 1987: Private households
- Malawi 1998: Private households
- Malawi 2008: Private households
- Malawi 2018: All households
- Malaysia 1970: All households
- Malaysia 1980: Non-collective households
- Malaysia 1991: Non-collective households
- Malaysia 2000: All households
- Mexico 1960: Households in which the head was sampled
- Mexico 1970: All households
- Mexico 2000: All households
- Mexico 2010: Private dwellings built for habitation
- Mexico 2015: Private dwellings built for habitation
- Mexico 2020: Private dwellings built for habitation
- Morocco 2014: All households
- Mozambique 1997: Private occupied dwellings
- Mozambique 2007: Private occupied dwellings
- Mozambique 2017: All households
- Myanmar 2014: Conventional households
- Nepal 2001: All households
- Nepal 2011: All households
- Nicaragua 1971: Private occupied households
- Nicaragua 2005: Private households with inhabitants present or hotel, boarding house and guest house
- Palestine 2007: All households except those in Jerusalem annexed by Israel in 1967
- Panama 1960: Private occupied households
- Panama 1980: Private occupied non-condemned households
- Panama 1990: Private occupied households
- Panama 2000: Private occupied households
- Panama 2010: Private occupied households
- Paraguay 1972: Private occupied households
- Paraguay 1982: Private occupied households
- Paraguay 1992: Private occupied households
- Peru 1993: Private occupied households
- Peru 2007: Private occupied households
- Peru 2017: Private occupied dwellings with persons present
- Philippines 1990: All households
- Philippines 2000: All households
- Philippines 2010: All households
- Puerto Rico 1970: Private households
- Rwanda 1991: All households
- Rwanda 2002: Private households
- Rwanda 2012: All households
- Saint Lucia 1991: All households
- Senegal 1988: All households
- Senegal 2002: All households
- Senegal 2013: Ordinary households
- Sierra Leone 2004: All households
- Sierra Leone 2015: Occupied households
- South Africa 2001: Non-homeless households
- South Africa 2007: Non-institutional households
- South Africa 2011: Households in housing units or converted hostels
- South Africa 2016: All households
- South Sudan 2008: All households
- Sudan 2008: All households
- Suriname 2012: All households
- Tanzania 2002: Private households
- Tanzania 2012: All households
- Thailand 1970: Urban and sampled rural private non-mobile households
- Thailand 1980: Private households
- Thailand 1990: Private households
- Thailand 2000: Private households
- Togo 2010: All households
- Trinidad and Tobago 1990: All households
- Trinidad and Tobago 2000: Households that completed the interview
- Trinidad and Tobago 2011: Private occupied households
- Uganda 2002: Private households
- Uganda 2014: All households
- United States 1960: Not group quarters or vacant units (answered by only 20% of households)
- Uruguay 2006: All households
- Uruguay 2011: All households
- Venezuela 2001: Permanently occupied private dwellings
- Vietnam 1999: All households
- Vietnam 2009: All households
- Vietnam 2019: All households
- Zambia 1990: Occupied private households
- Zambia 2000: Occupied households
- Zambia 2010: Occupied households
- Benin: 2013
- Bolivia: 2001, 2012
- Botswana: 2001, 2011
- Brazil: 1960, 1970, 1980, 1991, 2000, 2010
- Burkina Faso: 2006
- Cambodia: 2008, 2013, 2019
- Chile: 1960, 1970, 1982, 1992
- Colombia: 2005
- Costa Rica: 1963, 1973, 1984, 2011
- Côte d'Ivoire: 1988, 1998
- Dominican Republic: 1981, 2002, 2010
- Egypt: 2006
- El Salvador: 1992
- Ethiopia: 1984, 1994, 2007
- Fiji: 2007, 2014
- Guatemala: 1964, 1981
- Haiti: 2003
- Honduras: 1961, 1988, 2001, 2013
- Indonesia: 1976, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2005
- Jordan: 2004
- Kenya: 2009, 2019
- Laos: 2015
- Lesotho: 1996, 2006
- Liberia: 2008
- Malawi: 1987, 1998, 2008, 2018
- Malaysia: 1970, 1980, 1991, 2000
- Mexico: 1960, 1970, 2000, 2010, 2015, 2020
- Morocco: 2014
- Mozambique: 1997, 2007, 2017
- Myanmar: 2014
- Nepal: 2001, 2011
- Nicaragua: 1971, 2005
- Nigeria: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
- Palestine: 2007
- Panama: 1960, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010
- Paraguay: 1972, 1982, 1992
- Peru: 1993, 2007, 2017
- Philippines: 1990, 2000, 2010
- Puerto Rico: 1970
- Rwanda: 1991, 2002, 2012
- Saint Lucia: 1991
- Senegal: 1988, 2002, 2013
- Sierra Leone: 2004, 2015
- South Africa: 2001, 2007, 2011, 2016
- South Sudan: 2008
- Sudan: 2008
- Suriname: 2012
- Tanzania: 2002, 2012
- Thailand: 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000
- Togo: 2010
- Trinidad and Tobago: 1990, 2000, 2011
- Uganda: 2002, 2014
- United States: 1960
- Uruguay: 2006, 2011
- Venezuela: 2001
- Vietnam: 1999, 2009, 2019
- Zambia: 1990, 2000, 2010