Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For all individuals:
[Questions 1-10 -- are for all person]

1. Relationship to the head of household

[] Head of household
[] Spouse or partner
[] Son/daughter
[] Grandchild
[] Father, mother, parent-in-law
[] Brother/sister, brother/sister-in-law
[] Nephew/niece
[] Other relative
[] Non- relative
[] Domestic employees and their families

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 1-10 -- are for all persons

Every person in the household should be asked these questions.

-- In the case of people who are absent or of small children, ask the Head of Household or the person who can give the most reliable information.

Question No.1

[Relationship to head]
[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 1 on the census form.]

-- Fill in the cell that corresponds to the relationship the person has with the head of household, according to what you wrote down in Section IV -- Composition of the household.