Questionnaire Text

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(Only for people 12 years of age and older.)

26. What is the occupation, position or class of work you perform in the organization, company, establishment or business for which you work (or worked)?


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Question 26

-- What is the occupation, trade, or type of work carried out in the organization, company, establishment, or business in which the person works (or worked)?

In this question, the principal labor or professional activity performed by the enumerated person should be written down in concrete terms.

The trade or profession should not be recorded generically, e.g. engineer, agent, professor, worker, rather the specific activity should be indicated in the following way: Chemical Engineer, Insurance Agent, Math Professor, Janitor, etc.

If the person claims to perform more than one occupation or profession, the one that produces the most income is recorded. If the incomes are the same, the occupation where the person spends the most time is recorded.

The following are possible answers:

If the person answers: technician, ask: "what kind?" If the response is "radio", write down: radio technician.

If the person affirms to be a lawyer, ask him/her what he/she does. If the answer is Sales Manager of a company, write down: sales manager.

If the person claims to be a mechanic, ask the specialty. If the answer is cars, write down: automotive mechanic.

If the person is in a workshop learning operate a lathe, write down: lathe apprentice.

If the person claims to work in agriculture, ask the area. If the answer is cultivating vegetables, write down: vegetable cultivator.

If the person claims to be the boss of a farm and to take care of the payments and expenditures of the farm, write down: farm administrator.

If the person claims to manage the workers on a farm, write down: farm supervisor.

If the person is a farm worker, write down: farm worker.

If the person cuts cane [sugar cane], indicate: sugarcane cutter.

If the person harvests coffee, indicate: coffee harvester.