Questionnaire Text

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Write the relationship to the head of the household (for members of collective dwellings write "C").
____ Relationship

1. What is the relationship to the head of the household?

[] Head of household
[] Spouse or partner
[] Son or daughter
[] Father, mother, parent-in-law
[] Grandchild
[] Son- or daughter-in-law
[] Brother or sister
[] Other relative
[] Domestic servant
[] Not related
[] Person in a collective dwelling

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Indicate the order of the residents in the following manner:

1. Head of household. A member of the Household, man or woman, who the other members of the household consider to be the head. This may be for reasons of dependence, relationship, age, authority, or respect. If no member of the Household is considered the head then choose the oldest.

2. Wife (or partner). The person who lives in a state of matrimony with the Head of Household, whether or not they are legally married.

3. Unmarried children (from oldest to youngest). The unmarried persons who are legitimate, natural, adopted, and recognized children of the Head of Household.

4. Married children and their families. Children of the Head of Household, married or in union, who share the dwelling and do not constitute an independent household.

5. Other relatives of the head of household. These can be parents, siblings, aunts/uncles, mother/father in-law, etc.

6. Non-relatives. Those who normally sleep in the dwelling of the Head of household, such as guests, friends, and employees. This excludes domestic employees who have a separate classification.

[p. 59]

Important: In the case of a dwelling made up entirely of persons not related to each other, the person considered to be the "head" is written down as such and the other residents are considered "non-relatives".


1. Those born before the 21st of October are included.

2. Those that passed away before the 21st of October are not included.

3. Those that passed away on the 21st of October or later are included.

4. Those born on the 21st of October and later are not included.

[Page 59 contains two cartoon-style graphics summarizing the above information]

[p. 60]

Column 2


[These instructions refer to a graphic of column 2 on the census form, including an example of how to fill in the form with instructions for that particular example]

The relationship to the head of household is established in this column as the persons are being listed in column 1. The categories of relationships to the head of household are the following:

Spouse or partner

Child (children)
Father and Mother
Father/Mother in-law
Son/Daughter in-law
Brother/Sister in-law
Domestic Employee
No relation

For members of collectives with fewer than 30 occupants, the letter "C" is written down for all occupants.

Question 1

-- What is the relationship to the head of household?

This question refers to the relationship that the person has with the head of household.

The information for this question should be taken from Section III, column 2.

For occupants of collective dwellings with fewer than 30 occupants, the "person in collective dwelling" oval is filled in.

Reminder: A "domestic employee" who eats and sleeps in the enumerated dwelling should be included and identified in the corresponding oval unless he/she is the Head of Household, spouse or partner [of Head] of another household.

Important: Each household should have a head who can be either a man or a woman.