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How many jobs or positions held in 1970

Questionnaire Text

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Only for individuals 15 years of age and older

35. During the time worked in 1970, how many jobs or positions were held?

[] 1 One
[] 2 Two
[] 3 Three
[] 4 Four or more

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

8.34. Number of jobs held (Q - 35).

This question is designed to determine if the person who has worked a certain number of weeks during 1970 stayed in the same job or, on the contrary, had more than [one job]

Change of employment or job does not refer to the completion of a different task within the same company or for the same employer.

[p. 129]

To change jobs or employment means that the person worked for different employers, was employed and unemployed one or more times during the year, or went from one job to another without being unemployed during long or short periods of time.

The most frequent cases refer to seasonal workers, street peddlers, and those who do piecework or for short term contracts. Therefore, it refers to those who did not have stable or permanent continuous employment during the year 1970.