7. Current marital status
[] 1 Married
[] 2 Consensual union
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
[] 5 Single
5.35. Current marital status (column 7).
When to ask the question. This question is asked to every person four years of age and older. When the person is younger than 4 years of age, mark single without asking. \
[Page 53 (conversion table) was not translated into English]
Do not try to [p. 54] doubt the information received or suggest information, even if the person is known. Never ask the marital status of the woman who has claimed to be the wife of the Head of household.
1. Married: Mark "married" for the person who has entered into marriage according to the Law, even if currently separated from their spouse, in the process of divorce or not.
2. In Union: Mark "in union" (Unido) for those who are not legally married but who live together forming a stable conjugal union.
3. Widowed: Mark "widow" for the person whose legal spouse has passed away and who has not remarried or entered into a consensual union.
4. Divorced: Mark "divorced" for the person who is legally divorced and has not remarried or entered into a consensual union.
5. Single: Mark "single" for each person who has never entered into a legal marriage, is not in a consensual union or whose marriage has been annulled.