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3. Relationship to the head of household ____
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5.30. Relationship to head of household (col. 3).

Follow the following definitions:

a. Head of household. Write down head (jefe) for the person considered as such by the members of the household for reasons of relationship, age, authority, or respect. For the persons that follow, the relationship between the Head and the other members of the household should be written down.

b. Wife of head or partner. The term "wife or partner" is used for la mujer (the wife or partner) of the head of household. It is possible that more than one married couple live in the same dwelling, but the term "wife or partner" is not used for other women in the household except, for example, when writing down wife of son, wife of uncle, etc.

c. Son or daughter of head. Write down "son or daughter" for the son or daughter of the Head of the family, not taking into account the age. Adopted or step children are considered to be children of the Head; hijos de crianza [children raised by the head but not biological child] or minors in the custody of the Head are also classified as children.

d. Other relatives. Specify the exact relationship between the Head and the family and any other member of the household, relatives or not. [p. 51] E.g. mother, sister, mother-in-law, son-in-law, guest, boarder, "hijo de crianza", servant, etc., always listing the relationship to the head.

Note: The X found in various questions in the questionnaire is replaced by the name of the person being interviewed or to the person whose information is being solicited.