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Comfort and Household Equipment

12. Does this household have . . .?

Water heater or boiler (HogCE01)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Instant water heater (HogCE02)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Refrigerator or freezer (HogCE03)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Dryer (HogCE04)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Radio (HogCE05)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Color TV, how many? (HogCE06) _____

Landline (fixed phone) (HogCE07)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Cell Phone (HogCE08)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
XO from CEIBAL Plan, how many? (HogCE09) _____

PCs or laptops, how many? (HogCE10) _____

Internet access (HogCE11)
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
Mopeds or motorcycles, how many? (HogCE12) _____

Automobiles or trucks, how many? (HogCE13) _____
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7.3.6 Comfort and Household Equipment

Does this household have . . .?

The objective of this question is to evaluate the equipment and comfort of the households.

Act with tact and discretion in the consultation. Do not assume absences of some of the elements asked about due to the external characteristics of the dwelling. You should mark "yes" or "no" for each one of the elements.

You must also consider only the goods that are in working condition, beyond simply momentary break-downs and independently of whether or not they are owned by the household.

  • Water heater or boiler: Select the option "yes" if the household has
  • a means to heat the water that allows its storage at a determined temperature, without mattering the type of energy used for heating the water.
  • gas heater that provides hot water for heating as well as direct use, in the bathroom or the kitchen
  • a system known as "centralized hot water"
  • Instant water heater: a unit for heating water that is activated when it detects the circulation of water or the user connects it to initiate the heating. As opposed to the water heater or boiler, it does not store the hot water. An example are the Rialco-brand heaters or the "chuveiros" although there are other commercial brands.
[p. 84]
  • Refrigerator or freezer: This indiscriminately includes the common refrigerator, the refrigerator with freezer, or only the freezer. There are machines of this kind that function with gas or kerosene (that don't consume electrical energy). If this is the case, you must select "yes."
  • Machine-operated clothes dryer: An electrical appliance that dries clothing with the circulation of hot air.
  • Radio: Consider any type of radio apparatus, including battery or integrated to another apparatus (for example a MP3 with FM radio)
  • Color TV, how many? Consider any type of television: common, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) or plasma. Record the quantity of the televisions (TV) that the household has and that are in working order. If the household does not have color TV mark 0. If the household has 10 or more televisions that work, record 9.
  • Landline (fixed phone): Record "yes" in case the household has at least one ANTEL telephone line.
[p. 85]
  • Cell phone: Record "yes" if at least one member of the household has a cell phone.
  • XO from CEIBAL Plan, how many? Record the quantity of Ceibal Plan machines that the household has. If the household does not have any, record 0. If the household has ten or more XO that are working, record 9.
  • PCs or laptops, how many? This includes desktop computers (PC), notebooks (laptops), netbooks or similar (for example, iPad). The Plan Ceibal machines are not included, since they are examined in the previous question. Note the quantity of PCs or of laptops that the household has. In case the household does not have any, record 0. If the household has 10 or more PCs that work, record 9.
  • Internet access: Mark "yes" if the household has access to internet, whether via broadband (fixed or mobile) or via dial-up or Plan Ceibal. Keep in mind that the access must be achieved from the dwelling that you are interviewing. Record the option "No" if the members of the household most move to a place outside of the dwelling in order to connect to the internet. If the informant declares that he/she receives the internet signal from a neighbor (for example by capturing the Wi-Fi signal) you should select the option "Yes."
  • Mopeds or motorcycles, how many? Record the quantity of the mopeds or motorcycles that the household has for private use or if by using it for some type of job it is also available for use by the household (for example: a motorcycle used to deliver food but that, in some moment of the day, is available for private use of the household). If the household does not have one, record 0. If the household has 10 or more, record 9.
[p. 86]
  • Automobiles or trucks, how many? Record the quantity of automobiles or trucks that the household has available for private use, or if by using it for some type of work it is also available for use by the household. If the household does not have one, record 0.