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Cooking Service

9. Is this household provided with some place appropriate for cooking, with sink and faucet? (HogSC01)

[] 1 Yes, private to this household
[] 2 Yes, shared with other households
[] 3 No
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7.3.4 Cooking Service

Is this household provided with some place appropriate for cooking, with sink and faucet?

  • Yes, private to this household
  • Yes, shared with other households
  • No

If the sink and faucet work, the place is considered appropriate for cooking.

This place may or may not be exclusively a kitchen, for being integrated to another environment like for example a "living room" or "dining room." If the dwelling has a kitchenette, select the option "yes." A kitchenette is a small kitchen integrated to another environment like the dining room or living-dining room.

If the response is "yes," investigate if its use is private to the household or shared with other households.