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MS4. Do you have permanent limitations using your arms or hands?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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MS4. Do you have permanent limitations using your arms or hands?

This question intends to find out if the people have motor difficulties in the superior members. This refers to people who don't have any mobility in the arms or hands and those who have permanent difficulties moving and manipulating objects. This excludes whichever person with temporary difficulty due to twists, fractures, application of casts, or in rehabilitation treatment for less than one year, etc.

Examples of question MS4
  • Nicolas is missing some fingers from both hands due to a birth malformation. He can't write on his own even though he can take care of it writing slowly with a computer keyboard. He needs help to eat and sometimes to get dressed and he found a job as an elevator operator. This corresponds to option "1".
  • Manuel has a prosthetic in one hand and drives his auto to work as a taxi driver but can't manipulate objects. This corresponds with option "1".