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3. What is the predominant material of the roof?
[] 1 Concrete with protection (tiles or other)
[] 2 Concrete without protection
[] 3 Light with a flat ceiling
[] 4 Light without a flat ceiling
[] 5 Thatch
[] 6 Waste materials

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3. What is the predominant material of the roof?

This refers to the structural materials and not to the ceiling. In constructions of a multi-story building, it corresponds to the material of the roof of the building.

Circle code 1 if it deals with a heavy material like pieces of concrete, slabs, etc. always when it has some covering that isolates it from humidity (tiles, asphalt, sand, waterproof plaster, Portland cement, etc.).

If it doesn't have this protection or insulation, circle code 2.

In the cases of light roofs, that is to say fiber cement paneling (Dolmenit, Eternit, Fibrolit, etc.), zinc or tiles supported by wood ties, specify the existence or not of a flat ceiling by circling code 3 or 4 according to what corresponds. It is understood that the dwelling has a flat ceiling when the exterior material of the roofs is not visible from the interior of the rooms. This is, when there is a lining of plastic foam, wood, plaster, etc. which is used to isolate or decorate. In order to identify the waste material, use the same criteria as in the previous question.

In the case that the predominant material of the roof is wood and tiles, you must use ceiling material to make the light roof match.