Questionnaire Text

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8. With respect to this dwelling, this household is:
[] 1 Owner of the dwelling and land
[] 2 Owner of the dwelling only
[] 3 Member of living cooperative
[] 4 Tenant or renter
[] 5 Occupant by a relation of dependence (work)
[] 6 Occupied by loan, cede or permission
[] 7 Occupied without permission
[] 8 Other

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Question 8.

Concerning [illegible]

Is this household [illegible]?

Remember that you should complete the question reading successively each one of the options until obtaining an affirmative answer.
Owner of the dwelling and the land: It does not matter if an owner already paid for the dwelling and land or that they are still making payments. In apartment buildings, each one of the owners is also owner of the land upon which the building is seated.

Owner of the dwelling only: It is the case of households that have built a dwelling on land that is not their property, whether it is a private owner or public or municipal property.

Member of a living cooperative: It is a case of private groups of dwellings or apartments financed by a bank mortgage, where individual owners do not exist, but rather the owner of the dwelling and land is the dwelling cooperative that they are part of.

Tenant or renter: It is the case of households that pay a rent to the owner for living in the dwelling.

Occupant by relation of dependency (work): Household to which has been assigned a dwelling for duties or work that one of the members of the household does.

Occupant by loan, cede, or permission: They are households that occupy a dwelling with authorization of the owner of it, without paying rent.

Occupant without permission: It is the situation of a household that occupies a dwelling without the authorization of the owner.

Other: Any other situation of tenancy of a household that is not understood to be in the previous cases should be registered in "Other".