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(III) Occupational characteristics
[Questions 15-18 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

15. Of the following types of activities, what did you do last week?

Ask them in the indicated order and, when you receive an affirmative response, mark the corresponding box and go to the next person.

[] 11 You worked last week?
[] 12 You did not work because of leave, sickness or strike but you have employment?
[] 21 You did not work because of maternity leave or being suspended?
[] 22 You did not work because of being a harvest or seasonal worker?
[] 23 You looked for work having worked before?

[] 31 You looked for work for the first time?
[] 41 You are retired or pensioned and did not work?
[] 42 You are a rentier and did not work?
[] 43 You studied and did not work?
[] 44 You only took care of the home?
[] 45 Other (specify) ____

16. What is the occupation, profession or office that provides you the most income?

Do not write down employee or worker without specifying. Write down for example: mason, doctor, typist, carpenter, etc. If an enumerated person did not have a job the week before the census, write down the occupation, profession or office that they had last.


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III. Occupational characteristics -- for persons age 12 or older

With the questions from this chapter, we look to fundamentally quantify the active population and determine what the activities that are done are.

Question No. 16 is: "What is the occupation, profession or office that provides you the most income?"

Here you should write down as exactly as possible the occupation of the person being enumerated.

In the case of people who did not work the previous week, but answered part A of question No. 15, you should write down the occupation, profession or class of work that was done the last time they worked.

In the case in which an enumerated person has more than one occupation, write down the principal, that is to say, the one that provides the largest income.

Never write down vague answers, like: public employee, worker, farm worker, etc.

Your notation should give a precise idea of the duty that the enumerated person really does.

[An example has been omitted]

[p. 58]

Avoid vague answers like worker, employee, farm worker, etc.

If a person tells you that he is a worker in a factory, you should determine exactly what is the specific task done.