Questionnaire Text

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Questions 7 and 8 are asked only for those who live habitually in this country.

8. In what locality or place did you live habitually on this date five years ago?

If they lived in the same locality where enumerated, mark the box corresponding to "Here".

If it was "Another place in this country", specify the department and locality.

If it was "Abroad", write down the country.

[] 00 001 Here
[] In another place in this country

Department ____
Locality ____

[] Abroad

Country ____

[] 99 999 Not known

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

G. Information of the people
169. Once the Section "F. Information of the home" is finished, you should ask the population questions to each one of the people who you are to enumerate.

When possible, you should try to make each person provide you with their own information. Only in the case of a person who is absent at the time of your visit, or if it concerns children, will you receive their information from a third party.

In each home, you will enumerate all people who slept in it the night before the "Day of the Census" or who, being absent this night for reasons of work, return to the home during the day. In such form, a doctor who did not sleep in his/her house because of being on guard in a hospital will be enumerated in their home. On the contrary, a traveler who spent many days away from their home will be enumerated in the place slept in during the night before the "Day of the Census."

I. General characteristics of all people
The questions included in this chapter are for knowing the distribution of the population by sex, age and civil state; their territorial distribution and movements made within the country in the last 5 years.

You should ask the questions in this chapter to all people who are to be enumerated in the home.

For question No. 8 "In which locality or place were you living habitually five years ago, on this date?", you will write down the place where the person you are enumerating was living October 1968.

In order to register the information corresponding to this question, follow the same criteria of no. 6 (paragraph 214).

Mrs. De Rojas says that she has lived in Montevideo (where you are enumerating her) since 1961. Do you mark the box "Here" for question No. 8?

[Below the text are two forms, one of which has a box marked "Yes"]

227. Mrs. Carmen Ramos de González says that in October 1968 she lived with her parents in the city of Dolores, department of Soriano and that she came to live in Nueva Palmira, where you are enumerating her, in December of the same year. Make the notations corresponding to question No. 8:

[p. 66]

[Below the text are two forms, one of which is filled out "Loriano, Dolores"]

Mr. Parodi, who you are enumerating in the neighborhood of Maroñas, in the city Montevideo, tells you that in October 1968 he lived in the neighborhood Pocitos in the same city. Make the corresponding notation in the Census document.

[Below the text are two forms, one of which has a box marked "Here"]

Remember that the movements within the same city should not be registered, since the interest of this question is to determine the movements from one city to another, from a rural place to the city or vice versa, or between rural places, like from outside the country to our country, done in the last 5 years.

For this reason, in the case of a person who moved in the same city, locality or place, you should mark "Here".

229. Take special care in writing down exactly the department and locality.