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5. Marital status

Mark the corresponding box.

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 In free union
[] 4 Widowed
[] 5 Divorced

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Title 5: Marital status
187. Make the notation of the case in the corresponding box, according to the following definitions:
Single: one who never married and does not live in a free union

Married: one who contracted matrimonial ties, maintains this state and does not live in a free union.

In free union: one who lives in marital union without having contracted matrimonial ties.

Widowed: one who, having been married, survived the spouse and has not contracted matrimonial ties and does not live in a free union.

Divorced: One who terminated the matrimonial ties with the spouse by judicial sentence and has not contracted matrimonial ties nor lives in a free union.

188. In cases in which a name and surname of a woman (title 1) who claims to be married does not include the surname of the spouse, the enumerator should be assured that this state is the truth, based on other recovered information.