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11. Tenancy
[] 1 Owner
[] 2 Lessee or sub-lessee
[] 3 Sharecropper (mediero or medianero)
[] 4 Usufructuary
[] 5 De facto occupant
Other (specify) ____

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Title XI: Tenancy
153. Write down in the corresponding box the class of occupation of a dwelling according to the following definitions:

a) Owner - If a dwelling belongs to the head of household or to members who reside in it. It doesn't matter if the dwelling has a mortgage tax.

b) Lessee - If a family or family group occupies and uses a dwelling there is an agreement between the owner and lessee for a determined payment. Sub-lessee: if the head of the household, a member of the household who lives in another, or the group that occupies the dwelling rents to another person who, at the same time, has rented it from the owner. These two situations are registered the same under the same box.

c) Mediero or medianero [sharing arrangement of a dwelling] - If a family occupies and uses a dwelling as a result of a situation created by a contract, by which a person is obliged to cede to another, the enjoyment of certain goods or certain elements of an operation in exchange for getting half of the product or utilities that they produce.

d) Usufructuary - If the family or group that inhabits the dwelling uses it with the authorization of the owner, without paying rent.

154. The other answers are self-explanatory.