41-46 Current or most recent job activity
Describe clearly this person's chief job activity or business last week. If this person had more than one job, describe the one at which this person worked the most hours. If this person had no job or business last week, give information for his/her last job or business.
41. Was this person...
Mark (X) one box
45. What kind of work was this person doing?
(For example: registered nurse, personal manager, supervisor of order department, secretary, accountant) ________
45. Print one or more words to describe the kind of work the person did. If the person was a trainee, apprentice, or helper, include that in the description.
Enter descriptions like the following: registered nurse, personnel manager, supervisor of order department, secretary, accountant, high school teacher, etc.
Do not enter single words such as: nurse, manager, teacher, etc.