Questionnaire Text

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2. How is this person related to person 1 [the head of household]?

Fill one circle for each person. If other relative of person in column 1, fill circle and print exact relationship, such as mother-in-law, grandparent, son-in-law, niece, cousin, and so on.
[Person 1 was not to answer this question.]

If a relative of person 1:

[] Husband/wife
[] Natural-born or adopted son/daughter
[] Stepson/stepdaughter
[] Brother/sister
[] Father/mother
[] Grandchild
[] Other relative:

If not related to person 1:

[] Roomer, boarder, or foster child
[] Housemate, roommate
[] Unmarried partner
[] Other nonrelative

[Fill one circle to show how each person is related to the person in column 1. If other relative of the person in column 1, print the exact relationship such as son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, nephew, niece, mother-in-law, father-in-law, cousin, and so on. If the stepson/stepdaughter of the person in column 1 also has been legally adopted by the person in column 1, mark stepson/stepdaughter but do not mark natural-born or adopted son/daughter. In other words, stepson/stepdaughter takes precedence over adopted son/daughter.]